New Tattoos: How to Take Care of Your Tattoo

Congratulations! You finally got the awesome tattoo that you have been wishing for. Surely you went through a long thought process to choose the perfect expression of your inner-self to show the world or at least those who see your body. Now that you have the tattoo of your dreams, you need to take care of it to avoid and prevent infection or other issues. The following tips will help you recover from fresh ink successfully.

  • Ask the tattoo artist to apply a thin layer of tattoo aftercare lotion and cover the new tattoo with a bandage for added protection.
  • After 24 hours, remove the bandage and carefully wash the tattoo with antimicrobial soap, rinse with water and pat dry.
  • Twice a day, apply a thin layer of antibacterial ointment and allow it to air dry. Do not put a bandage on the tattoo.
  • Always keep the tattoo clean and moist until completely healed which usually lasts two to four weeks.
  • Once it’s healed your tattoo will look shiny, clean and beautiful. However, over a span of years, it will begin to fade. Applying sunscreen with SPF 45 is recommended and helps prevent fading.

Emergency Situations

On occasion, some people have reactions to tattoos. It could be an allergic reaction to the ink or an infection. If your tattoo or the area around the tattoo remains swollen, painful and itchy, you need to seek medical attention. Sometimes an infection can appear without warning. One day your fine the next the area is red and painful to the touch.

If you notice anything unusual about the tattoo it’s important to seek medical attention. If you wait a few days or longer, the infection can spread further, enter your bloodstream and cause further health issues.

You will be eager to show off your new tattoo, but make sure you take the time to care for it properly. The tips above will help prevent infection and keep you alert to any unusual appearances regarding your tattoo.

Amor Sierra is the owner of Miami Tattoo Co. She is an Anti-Trafficking Advocate, Active member of the South Florida Human Trafficking Task Force and the Miami Dade County Human Trafficking Coalition, an Ambassador of Hope with Shared Hope International, an Active volunteer in nearly a dozen anti-trafficking organizations in South Florida and a Trained Survivor Mentor. She is on the Board of Directors for DeliverFund, DeliverFund is a nonprofit, private intelligence organization whose mission is to eradicate human trafficking.  She has assisted local anti-trafficking organizations with the training of over 200 volunteers on human trafficking awareness in her community. Click here for more…