Are You Ready for A Tattoo? 

Have you been thinking about getting a tattoo? Deciding if you want to get your first tattoo is a big step in your life. The reason it’s such a big deal is that a tattoo is permanent. If you have been considering a tattoo for a long time but just can’t decide yet, the following information will guide you to your answer. 

Why do you want a tattoo?  

It’s time, to be honest with yourself about why you want a tattoo. Do you have a deep desire in your soul that is encouraging you to get one? Or, are your friends getting one and you want one too? The best thing to do is sit in a quiet place and really think of the reason why you want a tattoo, then decide if it’s a valid reason.  

Where do you want the tattoo?  

Once you decide you are going to get a tattoo, it’s time to choose where you want to place it on your body. Some people take a long time to decide where the exact placement will be. Answering the following questions will help you determine the perfect place for your tattoo.  

  • Is it a personal message that you want to see every day? If so, the wrist, neck, arm, legs, chest and the entire front part of your body that is easily visible will be a good place for a tattoo.  
  • Is it a memory of a sad event? Most people choose to place memorial tattoos on their back. The reason is they want to remember and document the event or person, but it’s too painful to look aton a daily basis.  
  • Is it for artwork reasons? Are you beginning a canvas tattoo that is expected to cover your arm, chest, back, or legs? Many people place large tattoos that are works of art on larger parts of their body.

What kind of tattoo do you want?  

This step takes a lot of consideration and careful thought. You can search for images online or create your own design that is especially meaningful to you. Choosing the size and color of the tattoo depends on the area and the color of your skin tone. Sometimes some colors don’t show up on certain skin tones as well as others.  

Now that you have answered the questions listed above, are you ready for a tattoo? You can get started today by making an appointment or visiting the tattoo shop.

Amor Sierra is the owner of Miami Tattoo Co. She is an Anti-Trafficking Advocate, Active member of the South Florida Human Trafficking Task Force and the Miami Dade County Human Trafficking Coalition, an Ambassador of Hope with Shared Hope International, an Active volunteer in nearly a dozen anti-trafficking organizations in South Florida and a Trained Survivor Mentor. She is on the Board of Directors for DeliverFund, DeliverFund is a nonprofit, private intelligence organization whose mission is to eradicate human trafficking.  She has assisted local anti-trafficking organizations with the training of over 200 volunteers on human trafficking awareness in her community. Click here for more…